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Camp Options 

Below are the options for the camp. You can choose just the residential camp or the camp including 5 lessons. If you would like more or less individual lessons those can be booked as an option. 

For sibling discount please email us

Lessons are available with any team member. A booking link will be sent out closer to the camp for those athletes that have not already reserved lessons. Right now you can not book individual lessons

Individual Sabre Lesson

Individual Sabre Lesson




20 minutes

Residential Fencing Camp held at Wheaton College, MA run by coaches, Matteo Gallo, Archil Lortkipanidze and Matthew Zich

Residential Camp

Residential Camp




7 Nights

Residential Fencing Camp held at Wheaton College, MA run by coaches, Matteo Gallo, Archil Lortkipanidze and Matthew Zich

Residential Camp including 5 lessons

Residential Camp including 5 lessons




7 Nights

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